How is the observance of the office decorum directly related to efficiency?


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In big companies here the office decorum is strictly observed especially in banks and in insurance companies. The policy on decorum is to have the so called GMRC – good manners and right conduct. That policy starts with the uniform and proper footwear with the ID pinned on the chest. The most important is the behavior that silence should be maintained except when discussing business matters.

That policy is very minor and some say that it is common sense to observed the office decorum. But an HR officer showed some statistics that based on the annual report of the businessman’s club there are more than 100 employees who were terminated for abusing the policy on decorum. Isn’t that surprising that an office employee has no manners?
Office decorum is very important as it makes everything to be orderly done. When things are orderly done, it brings efficiency and effectiveness in a business. work managers know this that is why each place of work have their ethics that everyone needs to follow. The goal is bringing unity
Any business that observes such thing will definitely be very productive because the work has another organisation will be strictly disciplined and productivity will be there upmost goal. Maintaining office decorum is very important because it brings positive attitudes towards the workers and he brings a lot of value to the business.
There are some things that might not actually affect efficiency directly but they actually do affect efficiency. It is good that the company should have lost that create an enabling environment between the employees and also a level playing field. This will ensure that you get the best out of the employees and The in turn get a good working environment