How do you know you are suffering from depression


Active member
Depression has been a condition that has lead many people to early grave, its controlling and a silent killer. It leads to diabetes and high blood pressure, it affects the immune system it causes insanity and can even lead to suicide.

Some symptoms of depression are:
1. Hopelessness
2. Angry outburst
3. Sleeplessness
4. Irritability
5. Sadness
6. No more pleasure for hobbies

Solutions to depression
1. Eat healthy
2. Sleep well
3. Listening to un-depressing music
4. Keeping company with positive minds
5. Exercise


Active member
You are absolutely right depression is that kind of disease which destroys the man internally, he feel himself lonely and think a lot about anything. But we should pay heed to these kind of patience because in this situation they can also harm theirselves and sometimes commit a suicide we shouldn't leave them alone ,try to make them happy, try to do those things which feel and make them relax and happy .The only solution of these kinds of patients is that patient will have to think about only good things which make them happy and try to ignore those bad things which make them depressed .Besides this the only reason, from my perspective ,due to which depression cause is too much thinking. When we overcome of our this habit then i think we will protect ourselves from depression and also try sit in the company of positive people because company will effect your health and brain a lot and try to keep yourself away from negativity. Try to live a simple life and try to lessen your needs, because the more you need the more stress you will take into your mind about how i fulfill my needs .


VIP Contributor
In all ramification and excuses depression is absolutely not a good thing especially to your health . depression is followed by stress , fatigue , weight loss and other minor health issues caused as a result of anxiety , over working , and overthinking etc . majority of individuals in the world today feel over attached to their work and so they make their business and work the major priority in their lives neglecting to care for their health . Not being over touched her work can only cause depression lack of exercise can also cause depression . Lot of individuals think that the act of exercising is only done by individuals who are losing weight . This is actually not true , the act of exercising is for everyone and can be done by anyone . Regular and routine exercise keeps your body depression free , it also repairs worn out part of the body , and also making the act of metabolism breakdown done more efficiently and accurately .

To to be sure that you are suffering from depression you must see symptoms like feeling tired , loss of energy , fatigue , lack of comfortability , lack of memory focus , etc . A lot of individuals take the health problem of depression lightly . It is important that we see a doctor whenever our depression health issue cannot be cured by yourself .