How discrimination hinders the conduciveness of business enviro..


VIP Contributor
When it comes to employees and business workers performing their duties and responsibilities in achieving expected business goals and objectives, it totally can be affected by the environment they find themselves in . It is absolutely very necessary for an employee to be in a very conducive business environment capable and suitable for it to achieve organisational goals and objectives . Indeed discrimination can totally effect a business employees performance in achieving expected business goals and productivity . Discrimination unto a particular business employee or worker could come from fellow call employees and coworkers , and the employee in particular could be discriminated as a result of his tribal differences or his language differences with other employees . It can also be as a result of the employee having a more recognised attitude as result of his hard work and industrious behaviours which is clearly admired by the business manager or boss more than other employees .

Whatever the case maybe, discrimination among employees totally hinders and obstructs an employees performance and abilities. Most importantly when discrimination exist among employees and workers it totally kills organizational teamwork and joint participation among employees in achieving and accomplishing business goals and objectives as expected and as planned . The business manager and owner should take bold steps and positive actions and procedures in resolving any discriminative attitude possibly exhibited from employees to others employees .


VIP Contributor
Discrimination can exist among business employees and workers and as a business owner it is absolutely your duty to resolve such discrimination among the business employees because that can totally destruct and hinder the conduciveness of the business environment for your business employees to successfully and accurately carry out their responsibilities and duties some of which include satisfying and achieving business goals and objectives or even making customers and clients feeling comfortable and no doubt such responsibilities and action will definitely need a whole lot of joint participation and joint collaboration of employees thoughts and knowledge.

It has never been easy to carry out and employees responsibility that is why discrimination among employees shouldn't exist because that will totally kill the zeal and the burning flame for employees to actually carry out their duties in the best possible way. Discrimination among employees is something that shouldn't be taken lightly by a business manager of employer but whether he or she must totally instill in the minds of his employees while discrimination is bad .