Dealing With Racial Discrimination In The Workplace


Racial discrimination in the workplace is a problem that needs to be addressed. Unfortunately, it's not something that can be avoided completely. There are still many people who are racist and will treat you differently just because of your race, even if they don't realize it. But there are ways that you can deal with this problem.

1. Be aware of the issue

If you're aware of racial discrimination in the workplace and how common it is, then you'll be more likely to notice it happening to yourself or others around you. Then, if it does happen to you, you'll know what to do and how to respond.

2. Report any incidents

If someone has done something wrong against you because of your race, tell your supervisor or HR representative immediately so they can take action against them! This shows that this type of behavior isn't acceptable and will hopefully prevent future occurrences from occurring again.

3. Document everything

Keep notes about every situation where racial discrimination occurs so that when it does happen again (and hopefully it won't), there's evidence supporting your claim against them (or their company).

4. Be aware of how you talk about race

You might be surprised to find out that you're saying things like, "I'm not racist, but…" or "It's just not my color." These statements can be used to excuse behavior that would otherwise seem discriminatory. Instead of saying these things, own your role in any situation and make sure you're saying something like "I really am not prejudiced, but…" or "I don't mean it like that when I say…"