How can convenience be created in an organisation's working area.

Mikes smithen

Verified member
Creating convenience in the employee working area.

COMFORT: Providing ergonomic chairs, desks and equipment that minimize physical strain can help reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders and improve overall comfort for employees. This can include adjustable chairs, desks and monitors, wrist supports, and other accessories designed to reduce strain on the body.

ORGANIZATION: A cluttered and disorganized workspace can lead to distractions and decreased productivity. Providing accessible storage solutions, such as filing cabinets, shelves, and desk organizers, can help employees keep their workspace tidy and organized.

AMENITIES: Providing basic amenities such as water, coffee, and snacks can help create a more welcoming and enjoyable work environment. This can also reduce the need for employees to leave the workspace to search for these necessities.

TECHNOLOGY: Providing access to modern technology and tools can help employees work more efficiently and effectively. This can include computer systems, software, and other digital tools relevant to their work.

LIGHTING: Adequate lighting can help reduce eye strain and improve visibility, while minimizing glare and reflections can reduce distractions and improve overall comfort. This can involve using task lighting, adjustable lighting, and window treatments as needed.

ENVIRONMENT: Creating a comfortable and pleasant environment can help improve employee morale and job satisfaction. This can involve incorporating plants, artwork, or other decorative elements into the workspace, as well as creating a comfortable temperature and air quality through air conditioning and ventilation.

By implementing these aspects of creating a convenient working area, you can create a workspace that is both comfortable and productive for your employees.


Convenience in a business organisation is absolutely necessary and important so that all business personnel can absolutely have the ability and capability to perform their roles and responsibilities as expected and as planned by the business administrators and operators. As the business employer or the business manager it is definitely your duty to create convienence in the business organisation for your business employees and workers and one of the best ways that you can do that is by providing assets as well as equipment that can be used to assist to the free flow of business activities such as bookkeeping and many other activities taking place in the business organisation for easy retrieval of data and performance of customers and clients.

Another way to create convenience in a business organisation. Is by recruiting the best type of employees who are capable and reliable in achieving the business goals and objectives as expected and explain and the reason is because for a business to be free flowed with activities their employees need to be culpable not reluctant.