How a landlord should live peacefully with a tenant


Active member
These days we here not pleasant different stories of landlords and tenants, sometimes it is the fault of the tenants, while other times the landlord. Giving your house out for a rent doesn't necessary mean to start frustrating your tenants. Some landlords find little problem or rather say search for a where there is none. Why do you think your tenants won't have theirs someday,or do you know where you yourself would be in future? I will take myself for example here.

The flat I live in before,I was in the same building compound with my landlord but believe me I packed out when I exhausted all my patience, this man will literally used my waters anyhow and anytime he de fit without taking permission. He ask for little things every damn time, knocks on my door most times either asking for salt,omo, matches.

Landlords should also respect the privacy of their tenants,we all are human beings,don't boss them around just because they rent the house, remember it's a rent and not free,they paid for the space.