Handlig an employee that publicly speaks bad of the organization.


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Some employees are terrible and insensitive. They don't waste time dragging the reputation of the company in the mud. They grant interviews where they criticize the organization they are working for. How can such an employee be handled by the organization? I recently heard how a popular sportsman went to the media and completely rubbished his team. The same team is paying him a humongous salary.

As for me, I won't take that. I would terminate your employment with me with immediate effect. I would quickly do that because if I keep you, you can do worse things than that.

I believe grudges and concerns in any organization should be handled within the organization. If you can't stand what is going on in the organization, you can just leave. It is not really good to destroy the reputation of an organization. It is a mark of insensitivity. The organization is bound to outlive you.
When employees publicly speak bad of their organization, it can create a negative work environment and be a serious problem. The best way to handle this is to make sure you have good communication with your employees. This can be done through emails, phone calls and other forms of communication.

If you notice an employee speaking negatively about the company, it is important that you address the issue immediately. For example, if someone is talking badly about the organization on social media, you should take action right away by sending an email to that person asking them to stop talking negatively about the company.

If they don't stop, then you should contact their supervisor or manager and let them know what is going on. If there are other people who are hearing this employee's negative comments about the company and want to join in on it as well, then you should let them know that as well so they aren't partaking in any negative behavior toward the organization or its employees.

It's also important for managers and supervisors to speak up when they see something like this happening because sometimes it may seem like no one else will do anything about it (especially if they don't want to get involved).
I used to think that as long as you're talking OFF DUTY, it was not a problem. But these days we have social media. Many people have lost their jobs for speaking publicly and saying uncomplimentary things about their organization. Although? Maybe what they said was true, If you're going to say something, you better have facts to back up what you say. Then if you want to pursue the matter, get a good lawyer. I don't know if you have heard of Suze Orman. She is a famous financial advisor. But in the beginning of her career she sued the company she was working for. It's a long story. All I'm saying is if you say something make sure you can prove it. If what you say is true and the company really is bad, find another job!