Do you have an exercise routine?


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We all know that exercise is important to help keep us healthy coupled with a healthy diet and emotional well being.

There are different types of exercises though, and each has part of the body it focuses more on and it would help know this so one can get the maximum benefits from every second we put in.

Like, some men want to build a fantastic six pack and pectorals in addition to be healthy. Some people do specific exercises to help them in healing a particular muscle after undergoing trauma, like in childbirth or an accident.

For average people like us, it's still important to know what we are doing and that why we should have a routine knowing exactly what we want to achieve and how best to do so. Do you have one already, and how did you get your routine
Exercise is very good and okay for anybody that really want to live a healthy life.
Early in the morning exercise always help one to be fit and also help heart to be functioning well . Though as for me I don't make it a rounten but make sure that I use to do it at least twice in a week to keep my body fit.
Exercise is also good for those who really want to reduce weight especially those who do find it difficult to lift their body.
It also help some one to get rid out of swept that is nor good out of the body.
Yeah since I realize that I need to lose weight I don't joke with my exercise routine. Exercise is one thing that comes with immense benefit to the body so I don't think it is something that one as hoild skip if you have the time to perform. At least taking out time like even 20 minutes per day isn't a bad idea. I have been able we to build a better stamina from exercising daily. my breathing capacity is almost normal now as I don't be out of breath whenever I go a long distance or take some stairs. I think everyone should normalize having an exercise routine, you would be helping your body perform better.
I love exercise as a sports man, I try to engage in it at least once every week at times it is twice in a week. I can't call that a routine one, because I do miss out at times due to engagement online trying to complete my learning and earnings. I made a routine one in the past when I wasn't active earning online, but since I came to discover ways to make money for myself my passion is on the diminishing, but it wouldn't diminish much since soccer lives in me. Why I don't do much of a sports thing this days, is due to lack of financial benefits, I've been training so hard to play soccer, undergoing series of exercises to help myself to grace a professional game, but it seems the demon in my country isn't letting me get a professional football club at my age. I am not old enough to call it time, I am still young to play, but not that active like I was in the past. I concentrate more of my time online this days than taking fitness as a routine this days. I have find a means to survive online, meaning I take fitness as a therapy to keep fitness level high when I want it.
Having an exercise routine is a very good choice to keep your body organs and systems effective . Personally I feel alive and enjoy every bit of being a human being when I exercise . Majority of individuals today find it hard to exercise today as a result of putting some other activity like their work , business , and marital relationship as more important compared to their bodies . Lack of exercise have bad effects on the body . Majority of individuals who are stroke stricken and are occuping wards in various hospital beds , are in such condition and situation they are as a result of not keeping a particular part of your body functioning thereby not performing exercise activity and practices .

Our digestive systems tends to perform it duty more effectively when we exercise . This is absolutely true , Because when we exercise metabolism tends to breakdown effectively and in the process of performing exercises like running , lifting weights , and performing push-ups reps we tend to sweat out bad and negative waste materials out of the body . More importantly exercising improves our physical and youthful appearance it also increase our potential to live longer .