Do FAD Diets Really Work For Weight Loss?


FAD diets are a well-known and long-lasting weight loss method. They involve eating a low-calorie diet for a few days or weeks, followed by an increase in calories and decreased exercise, then repeating the cycle.This alternating cycle of food and exercise is supposed to result in weight reduction during time.

The problem is that many people find it difficult to stick with FAD diets for long enough to see any results. They end up being too restrictive, so they don't stick with them long enough to lose weight and when you're trying to lose weight, that's not a good thing!

Furthermore, it's unclear if FAD diets actually function. Some studies have suggested they help people lose some weight, but other studies have found no effect at all. The bottom line? While there's no evidence that FAD diets are harmful or ineffective, there is also no evidence that they help you lose weight either.


New member
Fad diets are a setup for failing at weight loss. They have you do exactly everything you can do to either lose no weight at all or get into a lose-gain cycle when the restrictions get to be too much and you return to normal eating. These are also called crash diets as you restrict your calories to a very small amount and maybe exercise a little more and then they crash when you cannot sustain the rapid weight loss and restrictions past a couple of weeks. These diets restrict your calories to an amount that is not even enough for you to function normally on, add exercise so you burn more, and then expect that in a few weeks or a month you can start returning to eating a higher number of calories again. They often have you remove entire food groups from your diet and they may include supplements to take that are supposed to aid weight loss but do nothing, or they are only able to make you lose water weight or something like that, they label foods as "good" and "bad" and that leads to guilt if you eat their "bad" foods, and you are often hungry all the time which can lead to binges. They lead you to a yo-yo dieting cycle that can be very hard to break. Just say no to fad diets.