Deciding Between Mining and Direct Investment


New member
If I buy 10 units of S19 XP, each with a daily production value of $9.8 and a daily electricity cost of $1.44, considering my electricity cost is $0.02 per kWh, my net income per unit would be $8.33 (source: f2pool). Currently, its price is $3145 (source: asicfinder). Now, BTC is priced at $29,048, which is quite low, and we are all waiting for the bull market to come. So, should I buy coins directly for the long term, or should I continue mining?
In my opinion, the idea of buying tokens is much more profitable, but I would choose mining because I like connecting all the equipment, configuring it, connecting all the wallets, it is very interesting and you personally see in real time how much you earn. Mining is a very interesting way of earning, but buying tokens looks more profitable so...
If you are able to get cheap electricity, the I would do both. Use the profit from mining to directly invest into an outlet.