Earn Money blogging vs youtubing? Which is more profitable?


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It's quite difficult to choose between blogging and youtubing,
We all know both platforms pay well, that's the problem, so some people want to make the best amount of money so they ask

Which is more profitable?
And then the best answer is which is your passion? Not precisely though it's more like what do you love more, making taking pictures/videos or writing.

If you are an introvert and don’t like to face the camera much, you should definitely start a blog! It will be your perfect choice.

Which Makes More Money

I believe traffic is the key to earning in both methods, oh and also monetization Strategy, That's very important

Bloggers like Harsh Agarwal earns more than $30k+ per month.

YouTuber Bhuvan Bam in India is earning more than $60k + per month.

Its just two examples, Google for “Top 10 Bloggers” or “Top 10 YouTubers”
Then tell me your opinion

What's more profitable?
Both of them is very profitable , but the easiest for me should be blogging because of the easy ability for the blogger to get traffic from search engine by just writting contents or using other means to promote ,unlike YouTube where you need to promote with better videos and followers too
Both of them are profitable and it is possible to make full-time income with either of them. The basics of making money with YouTube and blogging is to choose a less competitive niche. It can be very hard to progress if you choose a hard competitive niche for your YouTube channel or blog.
Yes high competitive niche seems impossible, but its not
I would say blogging is better because it is more natural to drop a link
Waw what a simple and valuable input.

Yes blogging is actually very natural to drop a link.
I also believe youtubing is too.. as long as you arrange them in order of relevance.

Thank you.
I agree with you that the amount of traffic in a site is what determines how much you earn. You also need to know how to monetize your site. Then produce content regularly so as to earn consistently. For me, I will choose blogging because that is what I love doing. I am also an introvert and so I am more comfortable writing about things than talking about them.
I agree with you that the amount of traffic in a site is what determines how much you earn. You also need to know how to monetize your site. Then produce content regularly so as to earn consistently. For me, I will choose blogging because that is what I love doing. I am also an introvert and so I am more comfortable writing about things than talking about them.
Waw am happy to see someone who agrees with me on the introvert side.

Any introvert would pick blogging over youtubing.