Bitcoincash difference with Bitcoin


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For any user, at first glance, there is not much difference between Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash. However, they are two totally different cryptocurrencies, with different chains, so funds in BTC should not be sent to a BCH address or vice versa. Here are the most important differences:

Of course, both cryptocurrencies have their own logo and acronym. Bitcoin kept its original logo and acronyms after the hardfork (BTC or XBT), and this is how it is represented in all exchanges and wallets. For its part, as for Bitcoin Cash, although at the beginning it was very common to assign the acronym BCC to it, it did not take long to change to BCH, mainly due to the fact that the BitConnect currency was already represented with BCC. The Bitcoin Cash logo, in addition to the classic orange circle with the white B, tilted to the right, is surrounded by two rectangular figures that simulate a kind of banknote. To differentiate it from Bitcoin, some portals and wallets, such as Jaxx and Exodus, dispense with those figures and choose only to change the color to green.
Initially when I started looking into crypto last year, I was surprised about hearing BITCOINCASH. like, I was like, is it bitcoin??? Until a friend explained it to me. I'm even very sure that a lot of people get confused about that very well especially newbies who just started doing some stuffs in the crypto space. Though, BTC is currently higher than BCH, but I prefer BCH over BTC. It's transactions are so fast and I love that. It's not BTC where you have to wait for sometime.