8 Employees incentives program to adopt


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As an employer you know how great it can be for your company and employees to have some very good packages of incentives for them. The below 8 incentive programme can be a good one for your staff at work.

rewards and Recognition:
You can always organise Recognition and award ceremony for your staff to encourage them and make others work hard

Professional development: Professional development is another good incentive program you can adopt at your company

Profit sharing: You can give them the profit sharing incentive. The workers get to share the company profit if they meet some targets.

Health and wellness program
There should be an incentive for good staff that needs to be taken care of with their health and general well-being.

Tuition reimbursement: A lot of employees that are still in school would love this method. You reimburse their tuition fees for job well done

Fun gifts: You can add Bonuses and raise their pay check from time to time to keep them motivated.

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