lose weight

  1. jhoncena

    Seek professional help for personalized weight loss plan?

    If you have underlying medical conditions or need personalized support for weight loss, consider seeking help from a healthcare professional or registered dietitian. They can provide tailored advice, monitor progress, and address any medical concerns. A personalized plan can help to ensure that...
  2. jhoncena

    Fruits, veggies & smaller portions cut calories for weight loss.

    Incorporating more fruits and vegetables and reducing portion sizes can lead to weight loss by decreasing calorie intake and increasing nutrient density. Fruits and vegetables are low in calories but high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, helping to keep you full and satisfied. Smaller portions...
  3. jhoncena

    Triggers for overeating & exercise motivation? How to address?

    Triggers for overeating or lack of exercise motivation could be stress, boredom, or lack of support. Addressing these factors can involve finding healthier coping mechanisms, seeking support from loved ones, and setting achievable goals to stay motivated. Seeking professional help may also be...
  4. jhoncena

    What are some effective ways to overcome weight loss plateaus?

    To overcome weight loss plateaus, try changing up your exercise routine, reducing calorie intake, increasing protein intake, managing stress, and getting enough sleep.
  5. jhoncena

    Nutrition and hydration during a fat loss?

    To ensure adequate nutrition and hydration during fat loss, prioritize nutrient-dense foods, such as fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains. Drink plenty of water and unsweetened beverages. Consider consulting a registered dietitian for personalized recommendations.
  6. jhoncena

    Daily physical activity for successful fat loss?

    To achieve successful fat loss, aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week. Incorporate strength training and increase your overall daily activity levels, such as taking the stairs or walking more. Consult a healthcare...
  7. jhoncena

    How to stay nourished & hydrated while reducing calories?

    To stay nourished and hydrated while reducing calories for weight loss, focus on nutrient-dense foods, drink plenty of water, and consider taking a multivitamin. Avoid sugary drinks, limit processed and high-fat foods, and aim for a balanced diet with sufficient protein and fiber. Consult a...
  8. jhoncena

    How much exercise is required for successful weight loss?

    To achieve successful weight loss, aim for at least 30-60 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise most days of the week, along with strength training exercises 2-3 times a week. The amount of exercise needed may vary based on individual factors. Consult a healthcare professional for...
  9. Jasmine

    Foods That Help You to Lose Weight

    A lot of people try losing weight, but fail miserably. That’s because they are not using the right methods and techniques. For example, people work out yet cannot lose substantial amount of weight. That’s because they eat a lot and put more calories into their body than the calories burned...
  10. D

    Simple Weight Loss Tips

    Do you want to lose weight in order to improve your looks, health, or both? If that's the case, you're probably looking for some guidance. The fact of the matter is that there are a number of strategies you can employ to assist you in losing weight and achieving your weight loss goal. Am going...
  11. SMART21

    Lose Weight Fast With This?!?!

    The fastest way to lose weight is very very simple, but no-one talks about it. You only need to do 3 things: 1- Caloric Defecit: Cut down the calories. Eat food, ( Don't literally stop eating food), but try avoid caloric foods. 2- Do Cardio: Cardio Burns Fat, you don't need to run 89 miles on...
  12. Ajay Agnihotri

    Top 6 Tips on Losing Weight Fast - Reach Your Ideal Weight

    Losing weight can be a challenge, especially if you have many pounds to drop. It needs a lot of effort, motivation and dedication. The need to lose weight fast does not mean you have to go for hunger strike or forcing yourself to be at the gym. The body needs to go through gradual changes in...
  13. Barin

    How we can lose weight fast

    You can lose weight quickly when will cut off sugars and starch from our diet or carbohydrates and replacing them with whole grains and also eat protein fat and vegetables because they contain nutrients that will make you to keep fit and reduce the cholesterol in your bodyeating plenty of fruits...
  14. wolanyo


    Having good health means eating healthy. I had serious health issues due to not eating properly. Making a lot of research and changing my diet have helped me a lot. Because of that I decided to share all my knowledge and experiences with others. For instance watch the videos about binge eating...