Did You Know You Can Learn These High Income Skills In 6 Months?


VIP Contributor
Mastering a skill can be a life long journey but learning a skill to land an entry role or to start making money is a bit faster, but you need to do the time, sacrifice your time and resources, it might be hard sometimes and you'll contemplate giving up but if you hang in there the rewards are enormous.

Writing: Writing is an art of communicating with people in a written form, If English is your native language then you won't have problem picking it up fast, learn how to attract readers with catchy headlines and useful contents, write a lot of articles and submit them for review, effect your mistakes and keep on getting better, after learning these skills you can start working as a freelancer or create your own blog.

Coding: Is the act of writing codes to command a computer, to learn programming you need to learn some certain technologies, check my former thread for a comprehensive information about coding, after learning this skill you can create your own app, or start working as an entry level software developer.

Graphics Designer: Within six months of rigorous training you will be able to gain a working experience as a graphic designer, you need to dedicate yourself to one software and know it like the back of your hand, I recommend adobe photo shop, you'll be able to land a remote job that will be paying you a good income.
Even at the current period of time, you don't even need coding experience to develop a website and make money. Since we have software sites/apps that can help us with the generic tools/plugins to design a website of any kind, then it means we have nothing to think much about learning a coding skill. WordPress, wix, blogspot etc, can fulfill such demands for us, by offering many free tools to create a website like blog, business, and E-commerce site etc. But it doesn't mean that coding isn't necessary again, No. If you learn coding, you can do those things on your own via the scratch, you have enormous skill to work for IT tech industries, develop utility apps on your own, and other creative tech jobs.
It is being said by the experts that it takes 30 days to learn a new skill at least. You need to put in the work required everyday for the first 30 days in order to master the skill.

If you want to become a writer, it is the importance to acquire different books courses that will give you the right footing to become a prolific writer.

The next thing is to start writing. You need to practice consistently in order to become a good writer. You also need a proofreading software that will help you to identify some of the grammatical errors you made in your write-ups.
@sincerem it's true honestly, these days with content management systems you'll be able to set up a website with out knowing how to code and I think the skills of setting this up is a high income skill also, because nowadays, a lot of people are in need of those type of services either offline or online so it will really help with some side cash for anyone that ventures into it.

One doesn't have to know much to be able to the task, a basic knowledge on domain, host, plugins, templates works will suffice to get the job done.
Learning is truly relative. It may longer than that for some people while other may not even take up to that before knowing the details of what the stuff is all about. What we only need is to make sure that we are making use of a right platform to learn. This will enable us to learn it faster and easier.
@sincerem it's true honestly, these days with content management systems you'll be able to set up a website with out knowing how to code and I think the skills of setting this up is a high income skill also, because nowadays, a lot of people are in need of those type of services either offline or online so it will really help with some side cash for anyone that ventures into it.

One doesn't have to know much to be able to the task, a basic knowledge on domain, host, plugins, templates works will suffice to get the job done.
What you've said is immensely appreciated by me, it's true also. The help of CMS has been vital to this kind of development of websites without professional coding skill. Most of the blog sites, forums are done that way without coding skill. The world is revamping especially the internet community, where you don't have to put yourself in much hassle, in order to get money online. The basic knowledge of website design can simply make one money, even reasonable amount of money to make ends meet.