Your comfortability matters in your business or job.


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We human beings have the tendency to be more comfortable and satisfied doing something that we love doing possibly something that concerns our personal or business productivity . Majority of business owners and job seekers and blinded with the huge amount of salary that will be compensated to them if they take up a particular job without even considering whether they have the potential or have the requisite knowledge and authority to inherit such a job offer . Sometimes it may not even be the rate of salary payments , sometimes it will always be the thinking of other staffs and workers in the business environment that will negatively influence your emotional and physical welfare . Basically what I'm trying to say is that some employees and workers may not like you for who you are possibly because of your skin colour , your language , your tribe , your accent , or possibly because their own country has a conflict or tribal war with your own country .

These are things that you should be mindful about when trying to accept a job or business offer , your comfortability and satisfaction Really matters and if you are comfortable and satisfied in your work or business you are more likely to work hard and industrious so as to make it to reach higher heights , thereby skyrocketing .


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Whether you're a business owner or an employee, your comfortability matters in your job.

If you're uncomfortable in any way at work, it's difficult to be productive. Your discomfort can even create problems with others. If you are emotionally upset, for instance, it might be hard to interact with coworkers or customers. You may find yourself snapping at them or being short with them--and that doesn't make for a good working environment.

In the same vein, if you're physically uncomfortable, it can be hard to focus on your work. For example, if you have a bad desk chair, you might be distracted by the pain in your back and legs. It's hard to do your best work when your back is hurting!

There are many ways to increase comfortability in the workplace. For one thing, discuss with coworkers any issues that might cause discomfort. Try to come up with solutions that work for everyone involved.

Also, make sure your physical environment is as comfortable as possible. This means having a desk that suits your needs and keeping the temperature at a comfortable level. To take it one step further: try incorporating plants or other greenery into your workspace! Research shows that surrounding yourself with plants has many benefits--including improving productivity.


The standard of living of living in this present generation has become so hard to the point that nobody actually cares about how hard the job might be, or if they even have passion for the job. All they are after is the pay. People are willing to do anything be it an extremely tedious job or a particular job they hate as long as the pay is good. It's pretty hard to find a job you are passionate about though.


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I totally concur with you when you made mention that we human beings are totally comfortable and satisfied when we partake in something that is of interest to us , and also benefits our intentions and actions . Every individual needs a job or career or something that he or she hold on to us to cater for his or her physical and material needs possibly to some extent . In seeking a job majority of individuals are very focused on the salary they get paid in a particular job application rather than focusing on other subject matters about the job knowing whether the business is absolutely satisfactory or better still very conducive and comfortable for him or her .

Because of focusing on the salary amount or portion of a particular job majority of individuals have end up getting into a particular job or career that absolutely does not make them feel satisfied and comfortable because of the salary amount but because of other negative factors occurring in the business organisation . Some of these negative factors include discrimination and bias or prejudice headed toward them as a result of other employees feeding them as inferior . So with this will you enjoy working in certain place personally I will say no .


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Business will always present a lot of comfort especially if the business is a stable business . No matter the type of business you are passionate to do you will always have to pass through a lot of stressful time in the business most especially when you are starting the business newly because your expected clients, daily sales and some other things may not be as expected and as such you will be working hard to achieve and attract more people into your business.

So I believe For business as long as the business is lucrative in your location I will advise you to start because the business will become stable one day and you wouldn't have any opportunity to stressed on. It is much more better for us to focus on careers opportunities and what we study in the university because those are the ones that we have to put a bit passion into.


Your comfortability totally matters in the kind of business you are going to establish and this advice is definitely going to majority of individuals who established businesses possible because they are being pressured to do so or possibly because they are trying to prove a fact to an individual who possibly challenge them of establishing a particular kind of business in which may not suit your taste and preference or the ability and capability to manage. It is absolutely very important that we pay close attention to our business capacity and our ability. And we are more likely to be serious in our business if we establish the kind of business fit into our ability and capability and not a kind pressured or suggested to us by another individual.

Individuals can only pass advice and suggestions as to what business you should establish but they cannot kill you are main focus of what kind of business you want to establish.