You can still save even when you're broke


Active member
saving can be a good source of defense in an emergency situation or unexpected situations.

so if you Haven't started yet it's never too Late to begin.most important thing is that setting budget reducing expenses and putting a portion of your income into a saving account will help. your saving will grow over some time and you will be able to handle whatever challenge that comes your way.

Saving for the future is important, so you should have a savings strategy in place. How much you need to save depends on your goals—whether that's saving for a house, retirement, or a car. The sooner you start saving and investing, the more time your money has to grow.

You need to focus on your savings before you start spending them on things that are not important. These things can wait until later down the track when life isn't as financially stressful (or if they are really important). But don't forget about yourself! Make sure that some of what's left over after paying bills goes towards fun activities like going out with friends or taking up a new hobby like yoga classes or swimming lessons. Just make sure it doesn't become too much of an expense!