You Can Become a Good Speaker with Meditation


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In line with the researches, it has been proven that the memory of the meditating group works more if a group that meditates and another group are examined. In this way, meditation will work your memory and you will not forget.

Thanks to meditation, you can make the other person understand you by explaining what you are talking about very comfortably and without getting stuck. As a result of the researches, using the right word at the right time is among the important elements.

Thus, thanks to meditation, you can have the opportunity to give the right answer to the individuals in front of you at the right time. You will also improve your speaking ability and have the opportunity to listen to yourself.


VIP Contributor
When we meditate, we assimilate more and be a better version of ourselves. But I don't believe all mediators are good speakers. Most of them are even they shy type who don't really want to mingle with people for some reasons that they may be distracted easily if allowed to be mingling with people.