Why Ethical Hacking Will Lift You From Poverty This 2022


VIP Contributor
Ethical hacking is being forecasted even more than the medical profession is going to be the number growth area in terms of profession for the year 2022. It sounds unreal right?

How can hacking be ethical? So many believe it's something negative. Someone that gains unauthorized access to your system in order to steal money, data or cause chaos (a hacker).

The news is that ethical hacking is an authorized attempt to gain unauthorized access into a system to breach the security.

Let's say the bank of england or federal reserve bank, they want to know how vulnerable their systems are, so they engage their ethical hackers.

We give you the authority to gain unauthorized access to our system without giving you any useful data, be it passwords or keys. Just break in so we know the area of vulnerability and fix it. So that is who an ethical hacker is. Why is it going to be the greatest area for professional growth in 2022?

The United Kingdom is one of the most industrialized and developed countries in the world, and rich as well. Yet their entire GDP is about 2.708 trillion dollars in 2020 and here you have cyber attacks causing the whole world 7.5 trillions dollars, that is thrice the entire GDP of the United Kingdom. That is a great loss. The GDP of France is 2.603 trillion dollars

(2020) and

Germany 3.806 trillion dollars, but cyber attacks are causing the whole world this much. You see the need for

Ethical or white hat hacking.

The good thing is you can do it remotely from any part of the world. You can learn it for free but to learn it at the root you will spend about 59 dollars on Udemy, one of the top websites I mentioned in my previous post.

Different organizations from your locality and internationals will come for you if you have this proficiency. Imagine how much you will make if you are certified and have good reputation.