Which career can I work in as a graduate of Industrial Maths?


Valued Contributor
Did you just see Mathematics in the thread title? Sure you did. Industrial Mathematics is one of the courses offered in many university colleges. The knee jerk reaction is always that anyone that studied Industrial Mathematics would end up as a Mathematics Teacher. I want to debunk that and educate on the various careers that are open to a graduate of Industrial Mathematics.

1) Data Science and Analysis: What is data? Data are numbers and mathematics is a science of numbers. An Industrial Mathematics graduate is naturally fitted to a career in Data Science because they know how to analyze complex data with their mathematics background.

2) Engineering: Go check out any practical engineering firm if they don't have a mathematician as a core staff member. That's because most operations of engineering are built by mathematical modelling. An Industrial Mathematician would easily be hired by an engineering firm.

3) Scientific Computing: Simulations and algorithm development are all aspects of mathematics. An Industrial Mathematician would easily work with a computing company to build complex algorithms, or in computational physics.


VIP Contributor
You can almost fit in anywhere even in business management organizations. Maths is needed everywhere, as far as money is concerned maths is involved, as a strategist, programmer, accountant, engineer and the likes maths is needed but just that employers are usually specific sometimes but that doesn't mean you cannot apply for a position you know you can fit in when given the opportunity..I also know you hardly see any organization adding maths as. A criteria or qualification aside from teaching jobs but still, you can work anywhere.