What career is available for a graduate degree in Economics?


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Economics as they told us in high school is an academic discipline that focuses on choices and possible alternatives. This sounds vague. Many people would despise taking up a degree in Economics simply because it seems there is no career prospect for a degree in Economics. I highlight in this writeup practical career opportunities for a degree in Economics.

1) Finance and Banking: Economists are highly sought after in banks to take up financial and investment analysis roles because of their strong background in analysis and choices.

2) Data Analysis: When you see Economics with numerous graphs and numbers, it is all part of integrating data analytic skills into potential economists. With their strong background in forecasting based on data, Economists are highly sought after as data analysts.

3) Business Managers: Is there any better person to manage your business than an Economist? They understand how to react to different market conditions. That knowledge is why most companies would want a core Economist as a manager.