What yo do When there is a Deep Wounds in the Abdomen.


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Any wound that goes into the belly or gut is dangerous. Seek medical help immediately. But in the meantime:
Cover the wound with a clean bandage.
If the guts are partly outside the wound, cover them with a clean cloth soaked in lightly salted, cool boiled water. Do not try yo push the guts back in. Make sure the cloth stays wet.

If the wounded person is in shock, raise his feet higher than his head.

Give absolutely nothing by mouth: no food, no drink, not even water, unless it will take more than 2 fays to get to a hospital. Then give water only, in small sips.
If the wounded person is thirsty, let him suck on a piece of cloth soaked in water.

Never give an enema, even if the stomach swells up or the injured person does not move his bowels for days. If the gut is torn, an enema or purge can kill him.

Note: Do not wait for a health worker. Immediately take the injured person to the closet health center or hospital. He will need an operation. Don't play with your health. Remember health is wealth.

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