What should you think of a job?


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Now-a-days, a job is a very important thing, especially after having completed student life. After getting a certificate, a student becomes a job seeker and whenever a newspaper comes before him or any news comes to him from online or offline, he tries to find out if there is any circular appropriate for him.

As a job seeker, what should you think at first? Certainly, you will try to find out that job that will brighten your life. You will try to get that job where you will face a favorable environment among your colleagues. The institute where you will work, shall be at least famous for its performances. You will surely have a job that will remove the distress of your family and you will be able to serve your family members with the help of your earnings very easily.

What do you think of a job?
As a job seeker it is rather advisable that you start up a business if you are not able to get the employment you're looking for immediately because the business will actually help to pay some money and to take care of your expenses. It is completely unproductive for you to continue looking for employment for many years without even starting up a business or doing something tangible.
The mistake most fresh graduate do is to be seeking jobs that will pay more and lucrative jobs. I think this is a wrong motive. They can still start in a low key and be earning money with the aim of starting thier own business instead of being contented with whatever they may be collecting.
The only thing you should be thinking of is how to create multiple streams of income for yourself. This will allow you to earn money from different angles. You will never be worried if one of the sources is not bringing in more money. You can also quit your job easily when your passive income brings in more money than your salary.
A job is really great for one to have after finishing school and starting to fend for himself/herself. For me, being a job seeker should start finding our your skills and which places you would prefer to work in. Choose a place not for the money alone but for the experience and skills you will build and something that helps you start building a career.