What problem do you think the wealthy people have that the common people don't have?

Most people think that because the the wealthy people are financially okay they don't have any problem. My own school of thought says that there is nobody on earth who does not have a particular problem. I know the problem of the rich might be different from that of the middle class or poor people but that doesn't mean that they don't have problem. But some can still be wondering that how can someone has all the money he nerds in life and still have problem? We all reason differently but it will be nice if we hear your opinion on this.
There is no one on earth who doesn't have his own fair share of challenges. Challenges/troubles are actually relative, they vary from person to person.That's why they say problem be like bicycle it keeps rolling, e no dey finish.
Wealthy men have their peculiar problems too, ranging from marriage to relationship failure with friends and family, lack of peace.
Some of them even find it hard to sleep.
To be frank, there is no problem that's associated to a particular set of people. But to the best of my knowledge the only problem that I can say the rich only face is insecurity of their wealth. They always have no rest because they won't want to be poor never and they will be working round the clock to beat all the barriers. That's the only problem I can attribute to the rich.
Most wealthy people don't have peace of mind, they are always scared of one thing or the other
The rich have the fear of become poor they are always scared of mixing up with poor people so they don't get infected with poverty, And another problem associated with them is the fear of the unknown they are always feeling insured that is why they go out with somuch security. They are afraid of been attacked they prevent this by getting security.
I think we all have common problems, rich or poor alike, although in different magnitude and different color. A poor man dreams of a bicycle while a rich man dreams of a Ferrari car. But when both the poor and the rich man gets sick they have the common problem about health. We just think that the rich have lesser problems but that is not true at all.
Well all persons on earth are having one problem or the other, no one can be 100% happy but everyone try to cover up things.Most of the time wealthy people over work or over think just because they didn't want to go back to a poverty state so they live in fear always which the poor people don't have such fear.
Every one has a problem no matter how wealthy, there would still be something disturbing. I would say good or real, friends, you can't know the true character of the friends swarming around you when you have money, most of them are probably around because of what they gain from you and they probably won't give you the help or support you need since they will be trying to please you. And that's the difference, an average person is still likely to have good people around because they have nothing to lose.
Looking at how the wealthy live one must be tempted to say they don't have but they do just like the poor have problems it's just that their problems differ but all have problems. The poor always talk about how to get money while the wealthy think of how to get ideas that will bring money to them. This major different in my opinion is what make the difference between the two classes of the citizens

The wealthy people don't have peace!
The wealthy people have one problem that affects if they are counted in top earners around the city or region, then it's sometimes a pressure on them to maintain that level and they don't want to go down. But, if it doesn't happen sometimes then they seem in trouble mentally although they don't show at times, but this happens.


Active member
Most people think that because the the wealthy people are financially okay they don't have any problem. My own school of thought says that there is nobody on earth who does not have a particular problem. I know the problem of the rich might be different from that of the middle class or poor people but that doesn't mean that they don't have problem. But some can still be wondering that how can someone has all the money he nerds in life and still have problem? We all reason differently but it will be nice if we hear your opinion on this.
Looking at how the wealthy live one must be tempted to say they don't have but they do just like the poor have problems it's just that their problems differ but all have problems. The poor always talk about how to get money while the wealthy think of how to get ideas that will bring money to them. This major different in my opinion is what make the difference between the two classes of the citizens
They are many problem that the rich men has that the average men don't have in the aspects of the rich men must of them has a business in hand to handle which to handle those business are not that easy to do handle a business is more than having enough capital. So. They may have their personal problem that can be . But the average man if he is contented with what he has is ok.
"The rich one also cry" mostly we do think that the rich people Dont have any problem but its not so.

The problem that some of this rich man has basket can not pack it.

At the same time it interwoven ,what poor people have the rich one do not have it likewise what rich has the poor do not it.
Being rich is not always easy and sometimes they always wish they never had such huge amount of money. The first problem l would say the rich faces that most poor people don't face much is the ability to rest. Most at times the rich people are always busy and even sometimes how to get time to sleep is always a problem all in the name of increasing their money. But for the poor he or she always have some kind of free mind sometimes and at least get some rest when the ends in order to be strong and continue hustling the next day.
Tje riches ways work tirelessly with busy schedule and frightened sometimes not to lose money. But the poor person is always looking for one means to eat food and forget his sorrows for life. The mind of the poor is relaxed but the riches mind its not relaxed as long as the money is there to be spent.
I have always felt that many rich people are proudy. This is something that I have never liked. You should always be humble and treat everyone with respect irrespective of whether they are rich or poor. I think some (NOT ALL) rich people should try to become a good human being. Apart from this problem, it is inevitable for rich people to suffer from diseases. Many poor people are hard working labor and they might be healthier than many rich people who are not that active.
Okay... The thing is that in this life you just can't have all the good things to yourself.... You must also have the bad ones... And the problem of the rich is different from that of the poor because the both belong to a different class... A poor man's problem might be lack of petrol in the generator but he is blessed with good kids while the rich man have a mikano generator but with a bunch of problematic children... It's check and balance
The difference between the two mentioned entity isn't much. One major difference is the ability to take risk and that has been the only edge the wealthy ones has over the average ones. Other noticeable difference can be the attitude to business and how both handle and creates opportunities. There's no much significant difference apart from what I have list above. Just my opinion.