What is the percentage that you have saved for retirement


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It is very important that we have certain percentage of our income saved for the future because at our retirement age we would have no strength to do so many things and the money that we have saved while we are agile is what we will use to create a passive income for ourself. It is very important that we should take note of this while we are working so that our future would be guaranteed.

If you are working and you are not having certain percentage saved for your retirement, it is very detrimental. People that are retired today and are living well is because they have planned for the future while they are strong and they have the strength to work. So many of us do not take this very important because we don't believe that we should invest in our future. We have seen so many old age people on the street begging and if you look at this set of people, you will notice that they did not plan for their future and it is a very pathetic situation for them.

I am seriously of the opinion that we should always save for our future so that would have a guaranteed investment when we are old and we couldn't work again. If we have enough funds at old age, we could establish a business that will give us a passive income and we will enjoy till we die.