What is ectopic pregnancy.


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Ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy the taking place outside the uterine cavity.
Majority of its occur in the fallopian tube.
The causes of ectopic pregnancy cannot be detected fully got genital tract infection can cause it. Surgery of the abdomen with adhesion.
Ectopic pregnancy tend to occur on the right side due to inflammation of the appendix which may cause partial blockage or adhesion one of the right tube.
the ectopic pregnancy starts developing in the tubes but since the muscles of the tube is not adapted for implantation, it can not hold the feturs longer than 6 to 8 weeks before it ruptures.
All this are the symptom of the ectopic pregnancy such as secondary amenorrhea for about 6 to 8 weeks. Sharp abdominal pains. Bleeding vagina. Shoulder tip pain due to the irritation of diaphragm and also business which progress to fainting and collapse.