Common problem in pregnancy.


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There are so many problems that can arise during pregnancy. In the first time the common problem are vomiting and bleeding. The second time is bleeding and anaemia especially if the woman had a low hemoglobin just before pregnancy. Thirdly the problem are bleeding preclampsia and enclampsia, premature rupture of membrane and preterm labour. Bleeding that occur in the pregnancy women before the 28 weeks is term abortion.
Abortion can be define as expulsion of product of conception before the legal viability.
In some countries gestational age of legal viability is 28 weeks.
This is usually associated with reduced progesterone secretion and abortion due to defective implantation of the fetus, congenital malformation of the fetus psychological problem of the pregnant woman generally discuss in the pregnant woman such as fever and safe syphilis uterine abnormality such as retroversion ,co existing fibroid and cervical incompetence.