General insurance Common Myths About Insurance Debunked

Leah Kelvin

Active member
Insurance misconception can result in insurance fallacy which can be harmful. Insurance myths that are usually debunked include the wrong argument that insurance is a drain on your funds, yet it offers important financial protection against some unpredictable events. Another one is that young and fit individuals do not require insurance; however, accidents can happen to anyone at any age. Claims by insurance companies may be declined but often based on legitimate reasons. Insurance brokers are sometimes assumed as doing little other than selling policies, nevertheless they have responsibility of making their customers know their insurance necessities and also help then seek appropriate coverage. It may appear cheaper and easier to buy policies online but compare your options regarding coverage. Most small business owners see it as unaffordable though it shields them from risks such as physical damage of property or business related liability cases. To summarize, understanding these misconceptions may enable people to make right choices when choosing their covers.

This cover does not insure the home against all forms of loss like floods or earthquakes for example. Life assurance actually caters for every kind of person bearing in mind that death has no particular age bracket hence covering loved ones financially. The minimum coverage given under auto insurance might not adequately provide for all hazards therefore there is need to consider extra plans available in the market.