Vitamin C Benefits


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What are the benefits of vitamin C to our skins?
1.Vitamin C help to reduce the fine lines and wrinkles on the skin.
2.It brigIt It brighten our skins
3.It helps protect our skin
Vitamin C is one of the most important nutrients for your body, and it has an array of benefits.

One of the most basic functions of vitamin C is that it helps you to keep your immune system strong. It also protects your cells from oxidative stress, which can damage DNA and proteins in your body.

Vitamin C is also a potent antioxidant, which means that it can help to prevent the oxidation of other antioxidants, such as vitamin E. This keeps them from becoming harmful to your body over time.

Vitamin C also acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and reduces inflammation throughout your body when taken at appropriate levels. It does this by reducing oxidative stress in the blood vessels that supply oxygenated blood to tissues throughout your body, as well as reducing damage caused by free radicals within these tissues themselves.

Another important function of vitamin C is that it helps with collagen formation in your skin cells. When collagen gets damaged due to excessive sun exposure or other causes, vitamin C can help heal those injuries through its antioxidant effects on collagen formation at a cellular level.
Vitamins are the chemical compound that are required in low amount but are essential for normal growth and metabolism. Today we talk about Vitamin C .
Vitamin C is water-soluble vitamins . It is also known as ascorbic acid. Vitamin C is essential for cell growth and tissue development. Vitamin C is participate in many reaction . It is needed to form collagen that gives strength to Connective tissues. Collagen is a protein that the body produces. It plays an essential role in the structure and function of skin, cartilage, bones, and connective tissue. Collagen is also needed for the healing of wounds. Vitamin C in white blood cells enabled the immune system to function properly.
The recommended daily amount of vitamin C for women is 75 milligrams (mg) and for a men is 90 milligrams (mg).
Sources of vitamin C:
1: Citrus fruits ( e.g oranges , lemons, kiwi, grapefruit and grapes)
2 : leafy green vegetables
3 : Beef lever.
4. Vitamin C promoted hair health
5. Reduces hair loss
6. Improves hair growth
7. White potatoes
8.Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower)
9. Kadu plum
10. Acerola cherries
12. Mustard Spinach
What are the benefits of vitamin C to our skins?
1.Vitamin C help to reduce the fine lines and wrinkles on the skin.
2.It brigIt It brighten our skins
3.It helps protect our skin
I agree with everything you mention in your informative post about the benefits of vitamin C to our skin. Vitamin C is so important and we must take it daily by eating lemons, oranges and grapes. Especially in winter, it can also help us fight the common cold and stay healthy, energetic and strong.
Vitamin C also has several other benefits such as boosting immunity, reducing the risks of heart disease, boosting antioxidant, etc.