Benefits of vitamin A


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Vitamin A is very good for eyesight it protect our house from 9 to Linus and age-related decline because this vitamin is needed to convert light that it's your high into an electrical signal which can be sent today brain the first symptoms of this vitamin A deficiency is called night blindness night blindness mostly occurs in people that lack vitamin A is the major component of the pigment reduction and this whole job thing is mostly found in the retina of your eyes and very sensitive to light so vitamin is also good for lowering the risk of certain diseases in the body it plays an important role in the growth and development of cells so they influence on cancer risk and role in cancer prevention and is very good for the health soadequate intake of vitamin helps to reduce certain diseases like car vehicle lung and bladder cancer and also help to support a healthy immune system it's plays a vital role in helping to maintain our body natural defences and also reduces the risk of acne by making our skin to glow and it is also very good for bone health because people with low vitamin here have a higher risk of bone fractures
Vitamin A is very good for the eyesight it will make our eyes to be in a very healthystate and it also reduces the risk of certain diseases in the body like a disease cancer killing program and other diseases in the body as well generally vitamins are very good for the body without vitamin in the body and body won't be able to function properly because our body system need most of the nutrient for it to be able to function very well so it is important for us to make sure that we include vitamins in our diet so we can have a healthy state