3 Benefits of Using Customer Reviews and Testimonials


VIP Contributor
Some businesses don't know how contributing customer reviews and testimonials are, in this short thread you will get to know.

Credibility and Trust

Personally, I like custom reviews, I cant buy any online products without getting at least 3 valid reviews. This process gives satisfaction that your product is what you have on your description. This will encourage more buyers and boost your brand trust level.

Good SEO and Online Visibility

This single act can increase your search engine ranking. Search engines value fresh and credible contents like this added to your websites. This will also increase your presence online.

Valuable Feedback

When you use customer reviews and testimonials too, you will know what customers appreciate and appreciate not about your brand or products and you will know how to adjust which will also bring about a positive result.
It creates a sort of credibility and trust between the client and the seller, the client will see that people have trust the seller and have even bought from him before, it also improves a motivated seller to go ahead and amke.the purchase which is the end goal of the seller.

What bugs me with most sellers is that they use fake testimonials on their websites, unless they have a Trustpilot account, it mostly just done to lure people, as a business owner make sure you get genuine reviews from your users, if possible in a video form, it's a good marketing strategy.