Understanding Workplace Ethics and Values


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An organization’s culture as well as the conduct of its employees are shaped by ethics and values in the workplace. Ethics in the workplace deals with moral principles, values and standards that dictate how individuals and groups should behave within an organization. Moreover, Vital elements of workplace ethics include integrity, respect, responsibility, justice, empathy and citizenship. Trust can only be built up through ethical behavior leading to a conducive working environment resulting to long term growth Examples include conflicts of interest avoidance, providing honest information, preserving confidences and meeting government stipulated rules.

Workplace values are beliefs and principles that guide decisions, actions, behaviours; they reflect what is important to an individual or organization and form the basis for organizational culture. Key components include innovation, teamwork, customer focus, diversity and inclusion, excellence. This requires clearly defined code of ethics, training programs on ethics as well as effective communication systems about them within the firm , feedback mechanisms , rewards systems including annual performance appraisal systems that help achieve this goal.The decision-making process incorporated with ethical standards and company’s value will promote trustful relations in organization leading to long-term success in business collaboration