Understanding website meta tags and their importance

King bell

VIP Contributor
Meta tags are snippets of HTML code that provide information about a webpage to search engines as well as website visitors. There are different types of meta tags including meta title, description, keywords, robots, viewport and open graph. The most important of these is the Meta Title Tag which helps with visibility on search engine result pages (SERPs). While summarizing content for SERPs the Meta Description Tag comes second in priority because keyword stuffing is an issue with it so much so that now many marketers consider this tag irrelevant altogether! Meanwhile controlling how search engines interact with your site can be done through using Meta Robots Tags and optimizing for mobile devices should include setting up a Meta Viewport Tag. Another thing that needs mentioning here is Open Graph Meta Tags which allow you to customize how your page appears across different social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter. If used correctly they could help attract more people click through rates will increase making them come back again but this time not only will their visits increase but also the number of times they share it too hence greater exposure thus leading to better rankings in searches which eventually means higher traffic overall thus ensuring wider device compatibility between various gadgets such as smartphones tablets laptops desktops etc must ensure that these meta-tags are properly utilized.