Understanding website bounce rates and reducing them

King bell

VIP Contributor
Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who leave a website after viewing only one page. This suggests that there may be something wrong with the content or engagement.To decrease bounce rates, concentrate on improving website content, loading speed, user experience (UX), mobile design, page layout and relevant traffic targeting.To make it readable for users and optimized for search engines (SEO) at the same time, you should ensure that your content is both relevant and valuable while also being quick to load by reducing code size through caching.Increase user experience by having intuitive navigation with clear calls-to-action buttons (CTAs) throughout all pages of your site; this will help people find what they’re looking for easily while also making them want to stay longer.Enhance readability with legible fonts and well-structured sections but make sure it doesn’t slow down page speed which can be addressed by compressing images as well as minimizing requests.Lastly attract right audience to your site. Following these steps will enable businesses reduce their bounce rates thus increasing visitor’s engagement on site