The scope of inter business relationships


Valued Contributor
As the owner, runner or manager of a business there are times where by you will get to interact with people who also own, own or manage other business may be the same or similar or maybe entirely different from yours.

There is always a need for you to have skills that are necessary for interaction with people business and in this thread we will see the scope of that and what it entails

✓ first and foremost you must have what we call social skills because in order to interact with people you must know the necessary things that makeup socializing you cannot interact someone when you lack social skills.

✓ realize the fact that any kind of business relationship should be beneficial and not parasitic you should not be either a parasite to the person or the person being a parasite to you it should rather be a kind of equal shared benefit.

✓ adopt a habit of helping because you do not know when you will need the help of somebody that you have helped today always try as much as possible to be generous but this does not mean that you should become a fool because there are people who have done foolish things in the name of being kind helpful or generous