The Growth of Eyelashes. How Almonds Work on Them?


Vitamin E, which is abundant in almonds and is good for eyelash development.They also have a high content of Omega 3 fatty acids, which helps to keep your eyelashes healthy and strong.

Compared to certain other nuts, almonds have the highest concentration of vitamin E, which is necessary for healthy eyes. The antioxidant quality of vitamin E shields your eyes from oxidative damage. Free radicals are naturally present in both our bodies and the meals you eat. When we age, our cells lose some of their protective qualities and become damaged by these free radicals. Vitamin E helps reduce the damage done by these free radicals by helping to repair damaged cells or tissues.

Omega 3 fatty acids are another key ingredient in the development of beautiful, long eyelashes. These fatty acids are found in most fish, but can be hard to get enough of through diet alone (especially if you follow a vegan diet). Almonds are high in omega 3 fatty acids as well as being packed full of protein and fiber perfect for boosting your lashes!