The benefits of eating fruits


Active member
When you eat a lot of fruits regularly it will help to lower the risk of developing diseases by helping you to control your blood pressure lowering the risk of developing some kinds of cancer in the body so when you eat more fruit you just may live a longer and healthier life and also sweet makes you to be more strong by making our muscle and Bones to be stronger because of the nutrients that it contains. All foods also contain antioxidants which helps you to combat free radicals all the free radicalsunstable atoms that makes your age to be more faster which damage the healthy cells and even cause cancer so by the antioxidant it will help you to fight some off most especially those wild fruits they contain A high antioxidantsfood also helps to keep you fit and healthy because of the high fibre that it contains because fibre help to reduce blood cholesterol level which is lower your risk of heart disease and also this fibre will help me to regulate constipation, hemorrhoids and diverticulosis and food high in fibre and low in calories will help to lose weight and also control your blood sugar level


Verified member
Fruits are very good for the body because they supply and provide the body with essential nutrients and vitamins and they also help to boost the immune also help to reduce the risk of having heart disease and kidney always eat enough fruits for a healthy life and also eat ripe fruits


Active member
Fruits helps in keeping us healthy because of the nutrient that it provides his contains numerous nutrient like fibre vitamins protein magnesium and other nutrients like that which help us to stay healthy by reducing the risk of developing the disease in the body and it is also good for boosting our immune system we really need fruit in our body because of all the nutrient that is provides so we should make sure that we consume fruit at least three times in a week so that it can provide the necessary nutrients that you need to the body


Active member
Fruit has alot to do to our health if you are eating fruit very well it will give us some vitamins and keep us away from diseases,fruit is very good for body atleast eat one fruit in a day to die it will also keep you from heart diseases by eating red apple


VIP Contributor
When I was discharged from hospital few days ago the doctor was advising me that I need to eat a lot of fruit and vegetables to replenish all the vitamins I lost to malaria infection and typhoid and this really shows the function fruit and vegetable has to the body... Fruit and vvegetable contains natural and first-class elements that is needed to keep the cells of the body in good condition... Some also have the possibility of preventing the body from developing cancer .. There is no way that the doctor won't advise you to eat a lot of fruit and vegetable most especially natural fruits.


VIP Contributor
The health benefits of fruits for humans are numerous. Fruits are enriched with vitamins, minerals, fibers and other essential nutrients which help in maintaining a healthy body. These nutrients are essential for proper functioning of the body and can increase immunity power. The vitamins and minerals found in fruits prevent deficiency diseases like scurvy, rickets, night blindness etc. Moreover, the fibers present in fruits help in digestion and prevent constipation.

However, if you are suffering from diseases like diabetes or hyperacidity then it is advisable to avoid eating fruits such as banana, mango, grapes etc. because these contain high amount of sugar which may worsen your condition.

Fruits are one of the best sources of vitamins and minerals which are essential for a healthy body. Fruits help keep you free from diseases and provide you with great energy.
Fruits contain antioxidants which prevent heart disease, cancer and vision problems.

Fruits contain fiber which helps in digestion, prevents constipation, maintains low weight and reduces the risk of hemorrhoids.

Fruits contain potassium which keeps your heart healthy; sodium is balanced by potassium, thus reducing blood pressure and the risk of heart attack. Fruits does not contain cholesterol.