Earn Money Some reasons why people don't make money online.

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Earning money online is one of the goals of many online users. It is now gaining momentum but the fact is that most people don't make money as they wish they can make money online.

One of the various reasons why they don't make money is the fact that most online users only rush into business without knowing much about it. They joined the bandwagon. That's the reason why people don't make money.

Most online users lack patience. They always to have money in a jiffy while they start working online. Whereas making money online requires patience. This lack of patience has made some people not to make money online.

Zealous is the next thing I will talk about. Most people don't have zeal for making money online. They don't do it with passion. They are just into it to pass time and not really to make money. They may either have other ways of making money or they don't have time to do online things.
Earning money online is one of the goals of many online users. It is now gaining momentum but the fact is that most people don't make money as they wish they can make money online.

One of the various reasons why they don't make money is the fact that most online users only rush into business without knowing much about it. They joined the bandwagon. That's the reason why people don't make money.

Most online users lack patience. They always to have money in a jiffy while they start working online. Whereas making money online requires patience. This lack of patience has made some people not to make money online.

Zealous is the next thing I will talk about. Most people don't have zeal for making money online. They don't do it with passion. They are just into it to pass time and not really to make money. They may either have other ways of making money or they don't have time to do online things.
Furthermore, to what you said, the lack of a genuine Mentor that will actually guide you to making money, rather then just telling you that this program is great and has a an "Iron Clad" 30 Day Money back guarantee....I don't want the money back, I want the results. Funds also plays its part in making zero to little money at all.
Furthermore, to what you said, the lack of a genuine Mentor that will actually guide you to making money, rather then just telling you that this program is great and has a an "Iron Clad" 30 Day Money back guarantee....I don't want the money back, I want the results. Funds also plays its part in making zero to little money at all.
You are absolutely correct. We need mentor at times to put us through in some new investment or online business that we may find ourselves. We should know that there are others that know more than us. I have lost a great opportunity just because I don't have how to tell me how the platform works.
hy. I think you're right. most people would like to earn money but without depositing work, money or patience. I think this is the sad truth ...
Thanks for sharing and acknowledging my school of thought. Even apart from the online jobs and business, patience is the key. We can't just build Rome in a day. It takes a lot of hardwork and some dedication to be able to make success on every endeavor we take. Patience will sorely pay off one day
The vast majority of people who wish make money on the web end up not making anything or very little. there are several reasons why people who wish to make money on the internet do not really make anything tangible and one of them is lack of knowledge. knowledge is the basis for everything you want to achieve and if you do not have knowledge of a particular business there is no way you are going to make money from it.
When you have proper knowledge of cryptocurrency trading then there is a tendency that you are going to become successful through it. The same thing goes with any other Internet business. Another main reason people do not make money online is because of lack of patience. patience is very important for anyone that really wants to succeed online because there are many online businesses that you will not succeed on immediately but if you are patient enough then you will definitely become successful on it on the long run. Laziness is also another major reason many people do not make money on the internet. When you are lazy there is no way you can be able to acquire the necessary knowledge required of you to make money on a particular venture.
@btaliat nice thread bro, this is really true, I see them everyday on Trendri, they copy post and make threads with copied contents just to cheat the system because they're too eager to earn and most of them end up getting banned, these sort of people never make any improvement in what they do because they can't delay their gratification and go through the process of pain before pleasure.

Working online is pretty much the same with working offline if you remove internet from the equation, we work hard online too and there are not shortcuts, you cannot cheat the system too because you'll get caught.

That's why this YouTubers making videos about making one hundred dollars a day get a lot of views because most people think it's free money online and they end up getting frustrated and the YouTubers end up getting paid, fair deal if you ask me.

If you want to make money online you have to be willing to do the hard work, you have to be willing to toil and it's not easy at all, if you can't bear the heat then leave the damn kitchen.
You are highlighted some of the reason why people fail to make money online. But I believe there are more to the list and this include.

Instant gratification
Some people want to making money the same day they start with their internet money making model. They believe that internet gives everyone the opportunity to print money at will.

They believe that everybody who is making money on the internet today does not putting. They are not ready to put in there patience needed to make what's there are going to bring money successfully.

Laziness is one of the reasons why some people are unable to make money online. They believe that they only need to do a little amount of work and they are going to esrn a lot of money as a result.

I refer some people to get paid to post programs. After I made some comments on different forums they quit and claim that it is hard way to make money online.

Some of them failed to meet up with the required characters needed for every comment on those get paid to post forums. Some even go as far as copying answer from other place and paste it on those forums. They got banned in the process and they were complaining.
I remember the time when I sued to search for money making opportunities online and I was not able to find any. This happened to me around 10 years ago. I never had the skill to make money online and even the websites that hired people with no skills were useless to me because they only had PayPal as their payment method. I live in a country where this payment system is not available. I also remember that during that time, I found a content mill and I worked there. I earned a few dollars there and it was my first income online.

I have learned that if you belong to a Tier 3 country, there is very less you could do to make money. Secondly, even many freelancing platforms only hired professional people from my country and those platforms had many options besides PayPal. However, what is the use of applying at such kind of platforms where you have to bid on projects and get rejected in the end? I have learned that if you have no skills at all, then things could get very difficult for you. Having said that, online money making opportunities are still scarce in the year 2022.
It is very difficult for people who are from developing countries to make money online especially those who are from Africa.

There are a lot of hindrance that prevents people from this region from making full-time income as they desire. About less than 1% of them are able to make good income from the internet.

Country is one of the major hindrance for some of us. If you are living in a country dominated by internet fraudsters, it will be very difficult for you to make legit money. The classic example of this is Nigeria.

The majority of the website where people can secure lucrative job or else do not allow Nigerian to participate. They are afraid that some of them are going to perpetrate fraudulent activities.

This is the reason why some people also take advantages of Nigerian freelance marketplace. You are going to render a quality service for them, they will be willing to under pay you for the service rendered because you come from developing country.

This set of people you are working with on the freelance platform believe that little amount of dollar they give you will become a huge money when you change it to your local currency. And this as create a lot of headache for legit minded people in the country.
Base on my understanding one of the most important reason why most of us are not likely to make money online is because of lackd of patience you have mentioned above , a lot of people including me is always guilty of this .

But now I have come to understand that this are the necessary things I needs to adopt whether I like it or not if I am really interested to make money on the internet , then I didn't really understand because I didn't have the kind of experience I have today and the experience will help me in deciding the best online business to engage to establish.

There are different ways people can really make money online and all these ways will require a serious dedication to succeed and if those things are not in complete position the possibility of making money may be reduce . That is why we have to dedicate our Time , focus on one area of online business because migrating from one online business to another will not really make us successful.

All these things are things I came across from my experience and I have taken the necessary step that I do not repeat them anymore
How to earn money here I don't have idea how to start? Any one can guide me?
Yiu habe taken the first step that u needed to take by acknowledging the fact that you wanted to make money online. The nest step is to assess yourself to know your strength and weaknesses. This will give you some clue on what you can do.

There are two major ways of making money online. It is either you are skilled in a particular field and you sell your skill in exchange for money or you render service to people to earn money.

Let me break it down for you. There are many skills you can learn online and there are many websites where your skills can fetch you money. Just check your passion and go for the skills that suit your passion. Examples of the most salable skills are website management, graphic designing etc.

Not having skills doesn't mean not earning online. There are other ways of earning money free even without a skill. This include carrying out survey, writing on paid to post websites, affiliate marketing and even paid to click websites. However, tjise websites demand your time to make money off them.

If you need more clarification, lemme know .
There are different reasons any money online is difficult to some people and the first or top most of them all is; lack of skills, lack of mentorship, lack of motivation and lack of experience. When an individual does not have the needed skills, he or she would not be able to maximize his or her earning potentials. The online ecosystem is so crowded and those from lower-tier countries or underdeveloped countries find it very hard to even have up to 2% making money online. These services are unavailable for them and their crimes which are available they are being severely underpaid because the client are aware of the challenges they have in offering their services so they use it as a leverage to exploit them. Also, demotivation is one of the ways in which some people are unable to make money online, some people are easily demotivated and find working online as being so tedious which to some extent it is.

I have introduced some people to this paid to post forums and at times, they do not even have interest in registering and at times those who even try to register find it very difficult to comment or post threads, ther by telling you that they are disinterested or just not cut off for online goals.
One of the main reason why people do not make money online today is because majority of individuals have fell victim and subject to various online scammers who have created majority of scam and fraudulent website and platforms in the internet with the sole aim and objective to Rob individuals like me and you know who poised and motivated towards the act of making money online off our valuable things and investments that we have invested in majority of these scam and fraudulent website unknowingly , but hoping that it would pay but actually and absolutely turns out to be a scam and fraud .

That is why I always advise individuals that make money online to always make use of what is known as a scam site detector so as to be able to detect whether a website is actually legit and playing or scamming and defrauding in nature . Like I always say , one of the best scam site detector apps that I have been using so far to guild my way in the act of making money online is known as sureplug app . You can download this scam site detector app in the Google app store or on the Google play store depending on the device you are using .
It is definitely unrealistic to think that everyone is meant to work online, if this ever happens, the online ecosystem would be crammed and users would be earning very little because of the competition. Prior to this time, I never had the idea of making money online which does not require any investment but with time, I was drawn to try out the chances and it was real. I have not been able to divert my attention online after I was frequently scammed by fraudsters but recently, I am working online and I have seen the reasons to continue working online despite my limited experience or expertise.

There are many reasons people fail to make money online and foremost is, lack of experience, which has made it very difficult for most people to have the motivation towards making money. Secondly, lack of motivation or disinterest, certainly, not everyone has the inclination of working online and this does not mean they are not making money via the offline way. I have acquaintances who just naturally prefer going to office to work despite the limited or meagre payout they receive. In addition, some people do not make money online because of fear and lack of trust in a particular site.
The only reason I see on why people are not making money online is because they do not have the right skills. People want to make a lot of money online but they are not doing the thing that will help them make a lot of money online. You post on forums and article sites, you work on PTC and faucets, you work on micro job sites and get paid to sites, and expect to make a lot of money online. That's never going to happen. Some people find an easy road to make money online and they start investing on HYIP and ponzi scheme and end up losing their money. There is no short cut route to make a lot of money n a short time, there is no business that will grow your funds by 100 percent in 10 or 20 days. Well, you might say jeff Bezos made a lot of money. But you need to see exactly what Bezos did to make money. If you have digital marketing skills, you may not find a proper job offline, but if you go to freelance marketplace, you will see a lot of jobs requiring your expertise and experience.
As easy as it might look like to some people to make money online , there are some people who have been finding it very difficult to do that and you are not really going to bring them because they are having a lot of reasons why something like this is happening to them.

Ignorance . There are a lot of people who are not able to utilise this opportunity because they do not just believe that you can be able to make money by simply pressing your phone or laptop computer in order to make money online.

Experiences. There are some people who wanted to start making money online but some bad experiences have made them not to want to do that again. There are some people who started good but ended up in the hands of scammers and will not want that to repeat itself again .

Lack of skills . You definitely need one kind of skill or the other before you can be able to make money online or at least have something that you can be able to offer . There are so many ways in which somebody can be able to learn a profitable skill with free resources on YouTube and other internet websites.
If you are not having the right mindset there no way you can earn money online, having the right mindset is very important it will help you with a lot of things especially in terms of earning.