Some Common Sleep Disorders


Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)
In this sleep disorder, there is too much movement in legs while the person is sleeping. It is also known as the Willis-Ekbom disease that causes the feeling of uncomfortable sensation in legs and forces them to move while trying to sleep.

Insomnia is one of the most common sleep disorders that causes difficulty in sleeping throughout the night. It makes the person sleepless and restless at night.

This is a very dangerous sleep disorder in which a person experiences extreme sleepiness during the day and suddenly falls asleep.

If there is a problem with trouble sleeping; then taking medicine could be your first call. But you can also do some exercise on a regular basis to tire out your body in order to create a better sleeping pattern. Another good option for better sleep is to cut back on coffee, eating less in the evening or easing up on screen time especially before going to bed.
With this post I have learned about other common sleep disorder before now I only know about is insomnia which is a very common sleep disorder that I have personally experienced myself. Sleepless nights stems from a lot of issues but I think the most is stress and difficult situations of life.

When once one is burdened especially with situations beyond ones control then this sleep disorder will set In because you would hardly sleep. The best bet is to look for a way to get your mind off it and calm the nerves. The body needs to be in a relaxed position to be able to fall asleep
I do suffer from insomnia from time to time but I think I know what causes it and that is napping for too long during the day {although a short power nap seems okay) It disturbs my night time sleep pattern. Even if I am really tired I try not to fall asleep for too long because I know I will end up waking in the night. It's a viscious circle because if I don't sleep properly at night I will again be tired the following day and want to sleep in the afternoon. The best way to combat this is to go and do something rather than sit around until the tired feeling passes.
I suffer from a sleep disorder. But I'm not sure what the medical name is. I guess it's insomnia. I have not slept well for years. Since 1995 when I moved from Maryland to Texas and crossed over into a different time zone. In addition, I was seeing a doctor for depression and anxiety. The doctor prescribed a medication for me and did not tell me until later that one of the side effects was that it might disrupt my sleep. Between the change in the time zone and the medications I was taking, I started having difficulty getting to sleep. I have not had a good night's sleep for years. I don't take medication any more and I am not seeing a doctor. Currently, I am taking natural sleep aids like melatonin. It helps. But I still often wake up in the middle of the night. I turn on a YouTube video and listen to the sounds of rain and thunder and that usually puts me back to sleep.
I think i will be very fond of this forum and probably what will really make me develop a dedicated spirit here Or it will be one pf the areas as health is of primary essences to me.

So i think I also have a sleeping disorder where I snore in my sleep,i have no history of nasal or upper respiratotory tract congestion but that is a case i have currently.For the record am not fat nor anything.Somebody said am sleeping but not having enough sleep and rest.
I think i will be very fond of this forum and probably what will really make me develop a dedicated spirit here Or it will be one pf the areas as health is of primary essences to me.

So i think I also have a sleeping disorder where I snore in my sleep,i have no history of nasal or upper respiratotory tract congestion but that is a case i have currently.For the record am not fat nor anything.Somebody said am sleeping but not having enough sleep and rest.
Restless leg syndrome may not actually be popular over here but insomnia can be be popular because it is something that needs to be treated. Sometimes other diseases such as malaria and typhoid can also lead to sleepless night. Asthma are also disease that could lead to sleep less night especially on colder season.