Introduction New Members: Introduce Yourself Here


Hi there fishbate here, as a father and the bread winner of the family. One of our responsibility as a father to put food on the plate. I was a full time technician before on a electronics company. Lately i started a small business to add some income, apart from my other part time jobs. I'm very happy that i was able to join here to have some pointers and ideas in starting a business. Looking forward for great discussions with you guys. Have a great day...:)
We would love to get to know you so please take a few minutes to introduce yourself to the community! If you are stuck on something to say, here are some ideas: 💡

Tell us a little about yourself, your ideas, country or why you're here, whatever. New members always have something to say, even those that are shy.;)

Welcome everyone!!!(y)


Hola que gusto estar y pertenecer a esta comunidad, espero conocer mucho acerca de este sitio.


Hey everybody. I'm new to this forum and I have seen a lot of interesting posts on here


Hello i am new to this group, i am an experienced Digital Marketer for over 8 years and i hope to share my experience and perhaps learn a thing or two.


New member
Thanks for accepting me into your folds, I am an affiliate marketer who is looking for more knownledge from like minded individuals and groups. I hope to learn much here and at the same time contribute my quota.


Hello, very good evening, my name is Erick and I am happy to enter this page to be able to learn more about how to earn money online


New member
Hello everyone, I'm Santi, new member in this forum, it's nice for me to be part of your community, greetings.

joe matt

New member
Bien à toute l'équipe d'administrateurs de ce site,
Je suis Joe Matt un nouveau membre de ce forum. Je voudrais élargir mes connaissances dans tous les domaines possibles afin que je puisse gagner un revenu passif, aussi et surtout partager dans les fils de discussion de la meilleure façon possible, en particulier dans le domaine des affaires du forum où je peux contribuer et apprendre. Dans l'attente d'une meilleure offre, veuillez recevoir mes salutations les plus distinguées ...
Merci Joe Matt


New member
Good Day!
I am vincio78, a new member of this forum. I would like to expand my knowledge ,read some information and share as well and most of all to participate in the forum threads the best way I can especially in the field of the forum business where I can contribute and learn. Looking forward for the better conversation full of information in this forum.
Thank you


Hello everyone my name is Nelson Glinton and I want to share with everyone here legitimate a legitimate way to make $1000 on autopilot, and the methods that I will share here will work in any country that has an internet access. If you or anyone that you know is interested then you can feel free to let me know. I came here to this forum to present myself as someone who is just a bearer of great and truly useful information that can benefit you guys. Again, if anyone is interested then do not hesitate to let me know because this information will make anybody $1000 a day if they are serious about it.
Thank very much as I am new to this platform I will share my experience with you, and exchange ideas with yours


New Member : Galih, Tulungagung, Indonesia

Hey all! My name's Galih, sometimes Panda. I am a new member of this forum. Hopefully i can get some knowledge and i can share information with you guys. And also, I want to be friends with you guys. So thank you....