Make Money as a Children's Author


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If you have writing skills and if you can to kids, you can actually make a lot of money by writing children's books.

A children's book does not need a lot of pages and a lot of text, therefore, it is easier to write children's books compared to adult books. If you have writing skills and if you understand a child’s mind, you are good to go.

Children's books need illustrations and you might have to collaborate with illustrators or artists, however, you can easily find an artist on freelance platforms.

Once your book is ready, you can publish it as an ebook, paperback, and a mobile app. If you make your book available in multiple formats, you can generate a lot sales.

As far as generating sales is considered, you can run ads on Facebook or Amazon, or any other platform to generate sales. If you target your ads to the proper audience (people who might buy your book or app), you can easily generate sales.