merits of giving your children pocket money


giving your children pocket money has some advantages and merits. when you give your child pocket money the 10 to provide for their self that is settling of penny bills that can arise. for example in school a little assignment can occur and it requires the use of a certain material such as a pencil or pen and so when the tool is not available with the child he or she can now use the pocket money to purchase such tool. instead of her going around to beg for it she can purchase one on which she can call her own. when you give your child pocket money instead of her to be begging around or collecting or borrowing money from people she can provide her little needs by herself.

and also giving your child pocket money is a good start to encourage a child to save. many children started sailing from the pocket money that their parents gave to them and we got it will build in them the ability and the capability to save more bigger in the future. personally I learnt how to save from my early age to the pocket money I receive from my parents and this has help me very well because I can save with determination. sometimes parents consider that giving out pocket money is waste of money as they will spend it on unnecessary items which might not be useful at that particular time. both coaching your child how to manage money is important because this will help him but when he's young and when he or she has grown more older


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The are some merit of giving our children pocket money, a child needs training on how to manage his or her thing and parent is the good teacher to hep them to get to teach them how to manage their items especially when we are talking about money.

So giving their children pocket money is also a way of training their children to be independent of managing money, most student can't do things on their own they are either shy or afraid but with training on how to manage our items especially at that younger age one would be move to do things the right way without the help of his parent.

When I was little my parent do give me pocket money and when such money is being giving to me I won't use it immediately to buy anything I usually keep it for the right time when I am in need of something most times at school, I could use that money at that particular spot to do something nice for myself, so with my parent training I was able to differentiate between my needs and wants.