Make extra income by cleaning people's houses


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I have a friend of mine that do make extra income for himself by cleaning people's houses. After completing your building and you want to pack in, you need to wash and clean everywhere. It may be difficult for you to do that due to your busy schedule, so you'll need someone that does that, and that's what my friend does for people, and he's well known.

Cleaning houses can be a great way to make extra income, especially if you enjoy cleaning and organizing. Here are some steps to get started in order to make extra income cleaning houses.

ASSESS YOUR SKILLS AND AVAILABILITY: Determine how much time you have available to clean houses, and what specific cleaning tasks you are comfortable with. Some tasks may include vacuuming, dusting, mopping, and cleaning bathrooms and kitchens.

DETERMINE YOUR PRICING: Research local cleaning services to get an idea of the going rate for house cleaning in your area. You can also consider charging by the hour or by the job, depending on your preference.

ADVERTISE YOUR SERVICES: Consider creating a flyer to post in local community centers, grocery stores, or coffee shops. You can also create an online profile on websites such as Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace to advertise your services.

BUILD YOUR REPUTATION: Make sure to do a thorough job when cleaning houses, and always be respectful and professional with your clients. Ask for feedback from your clients and use that feedback to improve your services.

EXPAND YOUR BUSINESS: As you gain more experience, consider offering additional services such as deep cleaning or organization. You can also consider hiring additional staff to help you expand your business.

Remember, building a successful cleaning business takes time and effort, but with dedication and hard work, you can turn it into a profitable venture. Good luck!