Is there any disadvantage to online marketing?


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It is often said that anything with an advantage must have a disadvantage, and so online advertisement is not an exception. Online advertisements otherwise known as Internet advertisements can totally bring to an individual a whole lot of advantage but to some extent it could bring disadvantages as well. Some of these disadvantages include:

* Expensive ads set-up: setting up an ad on the internet or on any online social media platforms is absolutely very costly, however not a handful of potential successful businesses are able to adopt the advertisement of their products online by creating ads. Most of the time it takes 7000 dollars to create a successful ads worthy to be clicked buy individual surfing the internet so as to know more.

* Confuses buyers: due to the rising in number of fraudulent and scamming platforms in the internet majority of buyers are finding it difficult to differentiate a legit ads from those considered scamming and fraudulent. In the process of doing so, confusion is bound to set in. Majority of customers and buyers online have become victims to scamming ads on the internet and the list keep rising.

* Customer ignore ads: individual surfing the internet are more likely to ignore commercial ads, due to the mindset that they are not legit and possibly created by scammers and fraudsters. As explained earlier, it is difficult for potential buyers of a particular product to differentiate a legit online ad from a fraudulent one.