Is Internship Worth it or Exploitation of Free Labour


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Is an internship worth it? This question is complicated to answer. On the one hand, there is no doubt that internships offer students an invaluable opportunity to gain real-world experience and make connections that can help them in their careers. But on the other hand, recent studies have shown that many internships are poorly paid or even unpaid, which means they may be exploitative of free labour.

In recent years, there has been increasing awareness of the fact that interns often don't get paid enough or at all during their time at an organization, and this raises questions about whether internships are truly beneficial for students looking to get ahead in their fields.

The lack of pay can leave students feeling exploited by companies that take advantage of their free labour instead of actually providing them with valuable experience or connections they need to succeed after graduation. Many companies offer internships because they want employees who are already familiar with their business practices and culture, but interns should not be expected to work for free just because they're new recruits.

On the other hand, if you do decide to work as an intern at a company whose policies support fair compensation for everyone involved then you should definitely consider applying for positions where you will receive some kind of compensation.


VIP Contributor
Internships are an important part of many students' career paths, but they can also be a form of exploitation. The debate over the value of internships has been going on for some time, and it's unlikely to end any time soon. On one side, people argue that internships provide valuable experience and connections that help students get jobs right out of college. On the other hand, critics say that unpaid internships exploit workers by taking advantage of their desire for experience and connections, without providing any compensation for their work.

This issue is not black-and-white; there is a lot of gray area between these two extremes. Some people believe that internships should be paid positions only; others feel strongly that unpaid internships are fine if they offer valuable experience and connections. Most agree that if you're not getting paid for your work, you should at least have access to things like health insurance or transportation assistance if necessary. If you're considering taking an internship you should make sure it such that will come with benefits.