How to Write a Short Resignation Letter?


VIP Contributor
Crafting a brief but impactful resignation letter allows you to leave your job professionally and on good terms. Follow these tips to make your short resignation letter effective:

Keep it to one page

A resignation letter should be succinct. Convey what is needed in 3-5 small paragraphs.

Open with resignation announcement

Get right to the point by stating your intent to resign your position at the company along with your final day of employment.

Thank the employer

Take a conciliatory tone and maintain gratitude. Thank your employer for the opportunities you were provided during your tenure.

Briefly explain reason (optional)

If leaving for clear next steps like school or another position, you can note this transition. No need to give excessive detail on motives.

Offer transition assistance

Communicate your willingness to aid with training a replacement, documenting processes and wrapping up projects during your remaining time. This shows commitment to smooth transition.

Make contact information available

Provide your phone number or email address and note you’re happy to answer any questions to further assist with the changeover for the company’s benefit.

Close positively

End the resignation letter by thanking your employer again for the learning experiences and growth that will stay with you in your next chapter.

Proofread carefully

Double check for typos or errors. Read out loud to catch anything you may have missed. Sign your name.

Keeping resignation letters concise, gracious and forward-looking maintains your professionalism while resigning. This preserves your brand as an employee as you exit your current role on good standing.