How to survive financially when going on strike ?


Being part of a strike comes with financial challenges for workers foregoing pay. Some smart preparation and budget adjustments can help you endure a strike period.

Start Saving Aggressively

As soon as strike rumblings begin, reduce expenses to the minimum and start setting aside all surplus income in anticipation. Live bare bones to build emergency reserves.

Pick Up Temporary Work

Line up contingency work that can supplement lost income during a strike. Tutoring, freelance gigs, rideshare driving and seasonal jobs can help.

Suspend Financial Commitments

Call lenders, creditors and service providers to request suspending or reducing payments during the strike if permitted. Pausing obligations preserves cash.

Call In Favors

Don’t be too proud to accept help from family and friends, like temporarily moving in together or borrowings. Their support can be critical. Offer future reciprocation.

Utilize Assistance Programs

Research strike hardship assistance available through your union, local religious groups, nonprofits and government agencies. These programs aid with basic needs.

Minimize Fixed Costs

Cut out all non-essential spending like cable, gym memberships, club dues, streaming services and discretionary shopping. Stick to a bare bones budget.

Use Credit Sparingly

Supplement lost income through credit cards only as a last resort. The high cost of interest makes this an expensive option long-term. Pay off promptly.

Look for Other Work

If the strike drags on, seriously consider seeking permanent employment elsewhere, especially if negotiators recommend accepting an unsatisfactory deal.

Financial sacrifice is often part of the cost when standing up for your rights and demanding change. With belt-tightening, creativity and some help, workers can endure the income hit. Stay determined and united.


VIP Contributor
Yes, it is good to always get things done when strike is eminent or have already started. you can start by getting a temporary job. There's always a need to get a supplementary job to avoid lost of income during a strike. One can even get gigs online like freelance gigs, rideshare driving and even seasonal jobs. At this stage one should suspend financial commitment that are not necessary. The truth is that pausing obligations preserves holding on with financial commitment is key here.


VIP Contributor
There are many things a worker could do in case if they are going on a strike. Financial management is a very important topic. So, when it comes to going on a strike, there are many things that should be considered when it comes to strikes and consequences of going on a strike.

Strikes would end at a specific date

Whenever workers go on a strike, they usually announce the date. They may or may not do this. However, if your union announces a date, then you can manage your finances accordingly.

Speak to your union leader

Workers usually have a union. This is specifically true when it comes to governmental departments. A union leader could help workers to create a better financial management strategy that could help them save money in the right manner.

Be a part of the company that has a good reputation of treating workers in a better manner

Whenever you try to find a job, you could make sure that a company has a much better record of treating its workers in a better manner. This is important because you may not want to work with a company that does not treat its workers in the right manner.