How to handle product failure in a business


VIP Contributor
it can be devastating to have product Failure after putting in so much hard work to eee it produced. A lot of times this happens When a product fails to deliver on its value promise. This makes the customers to skip it and the products fails.

All you need do Is to go back to the drawing board and do more and you can't tell you might just come back with a multi dollars selling products

So how can you hande this

Sought for feedback

You can start by asking the customers that bought the products what they think and how they would prefer the products. You have to remedy the points that you would be given.

Research and understand your competitors.
Competition kills a new product faster like cancer. So look at what your competition is doing to overshadowed your products and build your product on that

Define your product vision. ..
Try to make your customers see and know the vision of your own product. this is about building a niche or brsnd for your product. make sure that your product doesn't threatens the safety of its consumers.

Understand your customer's problem

You would need to know about your customer needs of the product and supply it for them