How To Declutter Paperwork Including Financial Documents?


Decluttering paperwork is a great way to get organized.

You can take a few steps to declutter the paperwork in your life, including financial documents. Here are some tips:

1. Keep it simple

Make sure that you have only the most important information on any given piece of paper. This will make it easier to find what you need when you need it!

2. Look for patterns

Look for patterns in how your paperwork is organized. Are there certain topics that show up again and again? If so, you might want to consider grouping them together on a single sheet.

3. Sort by type

Sort by type of document checking account statements, tax returns, etc and keep all those together in one place until you're ready to file them away permanently.

4. Keep it up-to-date

Keep all your financial documents up-to-date so that if something changes (like the name of your bank), it won't take much effort to update everything else too!