How To Start Prioritizing Yourself (Including Your Finances)


This is a very important step in your life. You need to start prioritizing yourself and your finances. Here are some tips for being successful:

1. Make a budget and stick to it! This means no more than $500 per month on entertainment, clothes, and other extras.

2. Don't spend money you don't have! If you're starting to get into debt because you keep buying things that aren't essential and aren't even on your list of priorities, then stop doing it! Start saving up money in case something comes along that changes your mind or makes you want something new later on down the road so that you can buy it without going into debt again.

3. Make sure everyone in your family knows what their responsibilities are and that they understand how hard it is for everyone else when things go wrong or someone has an emergency expense come up unexpectedly like car repairs or doctor visits they can't afford right now but need because they'll pay off those bills eventually anyway once they save up some money first.